Pro Bono: Naturalizations


Low-income immigrants who are ready to become U.S. citizens frequently find the process confusing and intimidating, leading to delay and sometimes to unnecessary rejection. Pro bono attorneys will prepare all aspects of the naturalization proceeding, including assisting with preparation of the application, requesting any relevant waivers, preparing the client for the naturalization interview, and accompanying the client to his or her naturalization interview. Although the number of hours varies by case, they usually require no more than 20 hours of time spread out over six-to-twelve months.

Scope of work for pro bono volunteers includes:

a.       Meet with the client and confer with LSNYC attorneys about the contours of the case.

b.      Appear on case, complete relevant forms, and, in some cases, apply for relevant waivers for exam.

c.       Respond to any requests for additional information.

d.      Prepare client for interview.

e.      Attend interview at USCIS with client.

Law firms, corporations, law firm lawyers, and in-house counsel who are interested in partnering with LSNYC are encouraged to reach out to learn more. Please contact Adam J. Heintz, Director of Pro Bono Services, at 646-442-3582 or  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

Volunteer Application